Thursday, December 16, 2010


The Voice of the Times --- Hurrah to the Installation Speech
of Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung





Remark 1 :悄然出現的危機
1. 世界各國(包括中國)埋首於追逐經濟發展
2. 推動學者做研究的是資源,而非對知識的好奇
3. 大學重視排名,而忽略培育年輕的靈魂的使命;
4. 教師的回報主要取決於他們的「生產力」,而非學養

Remark 2 :前所未有的挑戰

Remrk 3:勘虞的後果

Remark 4: 秀慧的詞



回港偶閱《竹林七賢之嵇康傳》,才略為了解此魏晉名仕 亦為竹林七賢之中氣節最高者。叔夜才情豪邁,精通音律,朝中重臣都藉以拉攏,,希望其他士子追隨。奈何叔夜蔑視權貴,藐視隨波逐流,更何況同流合汚。故被司馬師之智囊小人鍾會視為眼中釘。及後為友人呂安抱不平,牽連入獄,在獄中亦寧死不屈。終被司馬昭下令處斬。刑場上萬頭鑽動,坐在中央的嵇康,一口氣將一罎酒喝光,然後將箜篌(古琴瑟)放在斷頭木上,輕輕調一調琴弦,鴉雀無聲之際,,彈出一首只傳人不傳譜的《廣陵散》,就從容就義。臨死前,嵇康微笑對兄長嵇喜說:「吾命不亡,朝廷不寧;吾命既滅,朝廷可高枕無憂矣。」時勢造英雄,英雄往往在時難年艱中崛起,。當我們渴望看到一位英雄出現,是否意味著社會正存在著不公義。但願我們不再需要英雄。參考書 《竹林七賢之嵇康傳》 顧志坤著 北京團結出版社

The following is the address delivered by Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung at his installation ceremony this morning.

Dear Council Members, Colleagues, Students and Alumni,

I stand before you greatly honored and with humility to be appointed as the 7th Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This University was founded by scholars who embraced Chinese culture and philosophy, who had great passion to educate young men and women to become mature and responsible adults, who pointed out that we need humanities as much as science and technology to make our country and our world a better place. And with these commitments they laid solid foundations for our University over 60 years ago.
Under the capable leadership of my predecessors, The Chinese University of Hong Kong has become one of the top comprehensive research universities in Asia. Our cherished traditions in bilingualism and biculturalism, our heritage of profound humanitarianism, blending Eastern and Western cultures, our commitment to general education and whole-person development and our unique non-formal education and pastoral care through our colleges has put us on the global map of higher education in the past 50 years. But today we are facing unprecedented challenges.
Radical changes are occurring in university education worldwide. A silent crisis has started when nations(China included) thirst for economic growth, researchers are driven by the search for resources more than curiosity, universities look up to rankings more than nurturing young souls, and professors are rewarded primarily by their "productivity" rather than their scholarship. If this trend continues, nations all over the world will only be producing revenue-generating products and individuals, rather than responsible citizens; responsible citizens who can think for themselves, respect those who are different and understand others' sufferings and needs. On the other hand, the imaginative and creative capability, the humanistic aspects of scientific research, and the capacity for rigorous critical thinking will diminish. The value of education will be lost.
Bronson Alcott said: "Education is that process by which thought is opened out of the soul, and, associated with outward things, is reflected back upon itself, and thus made conscious of its reality and shape". When the nations talk about economic growth, we must not forget there are still hunger and sickness in even the wealthiest countries in the world. When the world focuses on scientific advancement, food production and prolonged longevity, we should be reminded that "the most common disease is not tuberculosis or leprosy, but the hunger for love" (Mother Teresa). As a comprehensive University, our balance of science and technology against humanities meets the demand in this world. In our University we will continue to uphold human values, to cultivate sensitivity to people's need and suffering, to educate for appreciation of the arts and music.

Tagore reminded us that "Our mind does not gain true freedom by acquiring materials for knowledge and possessing other people's ideas but by forming its own standards of judgment and producing its own thoughts". Socrates proclaimed that "the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being". Today's education puts more emphasis on information and skill, less on pursuit of truth and creativity. Too much time is spent on retaining facts rather than critiquing concepts. A lack of training in self-reflection and examination leads to unclarity about goals, wavering of opinions and ends up with loss of direction. Training of a critical mind is a crucial role of higher education. It is embraced in our time-honored tradition in general education, in our belief in college pastoral care and in our openness to all ideologies and beliefs.
Jawaharlal Nehru said: "Peace is…indivisible, so is freedom, so is prosperity now, and so also is disaster in this One World that can no longer be split into isolated fragments." More than ever, we depend on people we have never met and they also depend on us. The problems we need to solve – economic, environmental, religious and political – are global in their scope and nature. We gradually come to realize that we are all citizens of the world. We need to embrace our Chinese culture on the one hand, but also need to know the challenges of different ethnic groups and other nations. The University's commitment to research and teaching collaborations with other world-renowned institutions, in provision of student and academic exchange, the promotion of social services through our Colleges, will help our faculty and students, as well as others, to cultivate the ability to see ourselves as members of a global village. Our commitment to environmental protection is another endeavor to fulfill our global responsibility. We should learn to respond to the need of the world instead of building in our ivory tower.

Based on these pillars of preserving the humanities, cultivating innovation and critical thinking, and realization of world citizenship, we will be educating our students and leading CUHK into the next 50 years and beyond. This mission cannot be accomplished without the dedication of our teachers who are passionate in their teaching and research, not seeing it as a job, but a vocation. These dreams cannot be fulfilled without the support of our government, philanthropists and alumni, in giving their trust and their support to the University. Most importantly, the true spirit of a university education cannot be continued without the hard work of our students to keep their minds inquisitive to knowledge, their thirst for truth unquenched and their desire to excel invincible. (Alumni included)

Mr Chairman, after I graduated from medical school I joined the Chinese University as a physician, a researcher and a teacher. Working as a medical doctor for 25 years, I have learned that medicine is both a science and an art. Working as an academic researcher for 25 years, I have been trained to think critically while working with my colleagues as a team. Working as a teacher for 25 years, I have come to realize that education requires a heart and a soul. I pledge to give my best skills, my passion and my perseverance to serve this University in the years to come.

Joseph J.Y. Sung Vice-Chancellor and President 16 December 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Vindication for David Hicks – a summary of his journey to Guantanamo

I cannot find a full version of the photo of Hicks holding the rocket launcher but just the edited one. So, I can only take a photo of that full picture from his book. You can see how the Media abuses their journalism ethic to fabricate proof.

From Vindication for David Hicks – a summary of his journey to Guantanamo, to the Vindication for Liu Xiao Bo

WikiLeaks 維基解密exposing secret deals and deeds amongst governments and power syndicates has stirred up a debate worldwide. The debate circles around if WikiLeaks is illegal and harmful to world peace. It happens while I have just finished reading the book of David Hicks entitled Guantanamo, my journey and a failed attempt of mine to appeal for moral support for Liu Xiao Bo劉嘵波. To me, a famous quote by Dietrich Bonhoeffer 潘霍華(4 February 19069 April 1945) has given me the answer and moral base to support whoever dares to speak out in the spirit of freedom of speech and press.

"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."

For those who do not know Dietrich Bonhoeffer 潘霍華, a bit about his background will help put things in perspective. He was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian and participant in the German resistance movement against Nazism. He was secretly executed just two weeks before the surrender of Germany in 1948.

He worked against the unfathomable evil of Nazism who plotted to exterminate Jews from Germany. In the spring of 1933, years before the Jews would begin to suffer the horrors of the concentration camps, Bonhoeffer spelled out his views in an essay called "The Church and the Jewish Question." In it, Bonhoeffer said that “the church has an unconditional obligation to the victims of any ordering of society, even if they do not belong to the Christian community." He went on to say that "It is sometimes not enough to help those crushed by the evil actions of a state; at some point the church must directly take action against the state to stop it from perpetrating evil." This view reflects in one of his other famous quote. “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself” a quote from Letters and Papers from Prison (1943-1945, English publication 1967)
Though he had the choice to live freely in USA, he chose to return to Germany to practice his belief of civil rebellion. He deemed that “There is not a place to which the Christian can withdraw from the world, whether it be outwardly or in the sphere of the inner life. Any attempt to escape from the world must sooner or later be paid for with a sinful surrender to the world”. Ethics (1955 in English)
He lamented for the weakness of the State Church in Germany that “We have been silent witnesses of evil deeds: we have been drenched by many storms; we have learnt the arts of equivocation and pretence; experience has made us suspicious of others and kept us from being truthful and open; intolerable conflicts have worn us down and even made us cynical. Are we still of any use? -- a quote from Letters and Papers from Prison (1943-1945, English publication 1967)
He is not alone in the history to hold this view. Abraham Lincoln林肯also said "To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men."
Same is the view of Elie Wiesel埃利‧維瑟爾, 1986 Nobel Prize Winner : "I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormenter, never the tormented."
It is under the influences of those predecessors of fighters for justice that I feel the moral obligation to voice out for our oppressed and misunderstood Australian, David Hicks.

I am surprised to find that many people on those news media forums of freedom of speech and seekers of truth just betray themselves by not exercising the basic principle of justice of presumption of innocence before trial and giving David Hicks the benefit of the doubt. Very few people would bother to read the book. After finished reading the book in mid November, I don't have much luck to convince too many others to read. Most people ridiculed me supporting David Hicks simply basing on liars manufactured by the Bush and Howard Governments. So, I could only do my least here to post on those news forums my summary of reading for those who vowed not to buy and read the book.


While showering support for or flinging mud against Mr Julian Assange, we should not forget another fighter for the truth, David Hicks. Unfortunately, his image and reputation has been successfully smeared by the liar machinery of the Bush and Howard Government executed beautifully by the CIA. Thus his book exposing the truth about the unjust war and tortuturous acts in manufacturing "Terrorist and Traitors" like Hicks himself has not drawn the deserved attention. I appeal here for all the truth seekers to read David's book Guantanamo, my journey.

David Hicks never trained with Taliban and he never was a member of Al Qaeda, a term he had never heard of before his arrest. He is an ordinary country boy who has a dream to explore the world after he secured a job in Japan and went there twice in 1996 and 1998. His plan was to experience life by venturing through the Silk Road. But the unjust war at Kosovo around 1999 had drawn him there to give a hand to those who were oppressed and mistreated. His famous photo of handling rocket launcher was pictured there in a store room in Albania where he helped sorting out weapon for the volunteer fighter of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) under the command of NATO. (please refer picture I photoed from the book)

His mission ended before he was commissioned to the front line when President Milosevic of Serbia agreed on a cease fire. David was in the area of conflict the same time as James Blunt who was lauded a hero to stop the third World War. David returned home in July, 1999 with a changed world view and heart for the oppressed people. He continued with his dream by trying to go to Kashmir to help the besieged communities there. He left in November 1999 for Pakistan to look for access into Kashmir. He actually planned to embark on his journey on the Silk Road after finishing his venture in Kashmir.

He stayed and spent extensive time in Pakistan through affiliation with a local Muslim religious organization called Tabligh (not Taliban) that could support him to explore the country and gain access to the mountainous areas of Kashmir. He got connected with LeT or Army of the Righteous which were involved in the freedom struggle in Kashmir. He ended up joining some of the training camp with the LeT (not Taliban or Al Qaeda) aiming at liberation of the oppressed Kashmir people in the Indian controlled Kashmir area.

The twist and turns of David Hicks’ life stopped him from entering the Indian controlled Kashmir area but detoured him to pay a visit to Afghanistan before returning to Australia by himself. He went to Kandahar without help by the LeT who did not support him to go. He met some Taliban people for the first time in his solo trip but was rejected because of religious reason and was forced to return to Pakistan very quickly.

Just about time David planned to go home, He was given another chance to visit Afghanistan by the support of LeT this time to join some of their government sanctioned training camps conducted inside Afghanistan. Thus in early 2001, he went with the aim just to have a more elaborated tourist experience there before returning to Australia. Around early August, 2001, he finished the training and sight-seeing in Kandahar and Kabul and decided to go home. But the expired Pakistan visa gave him a bit of problems so he tried to get back to Pakistan to seek for help.

It was there in Pakistan he learnt about the 911 attack and it was condemned by LeT amongst many other Muslim organizations. His friend in Pakistan advised David to quickly go back to Kandahar to collect his passport and personal belongings which were kept there during his training course. So, he could do so following instruction. But his fate made a bad turn this time that once he entered Afghanistan, he could not get out being caught up by the USA invasion as a result of the 911 attack.

Subsequently, he had to dodge bullets of in-fighting led up by the Northern Alliance backed up by the bombardment of US army against Taliban. Eventually, he was caught by the Northern Alliance on his attempt to re-enter Pakistan. His journey to Guantanamo started since then. It was the beginning of six years of hell.

Two third of David Hicks’ book was a first hand record of the life in Guantanamo. You could see for yourself how the US army backed by CIA trained interrogation techniques to torture and humiliate detainees and forced many of the innocent and unlucky people like David who were caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time to admit they were terrorists. Our Howard Government just collaborated with Bush to force David to sign a confession despite they knew he did nothing wrong but just want to show case and justify their unjust Iraq war against the “terrorists”

I don’t want to be seen as a sale agent for David’s book, but I was disappointed that too many of the blog commentators who most of them should be the seekers of truth and freedom of speech just dismissed David as a convicted terrorist and his book is crap that no one cares to give him the benefit of the doubt to read the story from his angle. So, this is my last resort to write this extract to appeal for a fair go for David to read his book or at least re-examine the whole story in your own way. I trust WikiLeaks will sooner or later cover the secret and dirty deals between Bush and Howard Governments to sacrifice David for their political gains.


After six years of illegal imprisonment, David Hicks was freed in 2007. He has not actively sought to clear his name by legal appeal. I think it is a wise decision not to entangle with the “system of Justice” in Australia that once failed to guarantee him a fair trial. I trust his name will be cleared some day as the book he published is an undeniable piece of evidence of his innocence as well as the guilty fabrication of the Bush and Howard Governments.

I just wonder when our compatriot Mr Liu Xiao Bo 劉嘵波will have his name cleared and is free to publish his own book of biography to expose the unlawful and unjust treatments pressed on him. His only comment leaked out to the media after he was aware of his winning of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize said it all.

“This award is for the lost souls of June Fourth," quoted by his wife Liu Xia劉霞, referring to the 1989 crackdown by the Chinese goverment on student activists. "He said that it was due to their non-violent spirit in giving their lives for peace, freedom, and democracy," Liu Xia was quoted as saying, adding that her husband had been moved to tears as he finished speaking.

Thus, I could only accept the fact that we could do nothing to get him released earlier but to shed with him the tears of awe for those who lost their lives in pursuit of freedom and democracy in a peaceful manner.

End Note: As inspired by the poems of Catherine秀慧 and Joe 楚輝, I took the trouble to compose a poem for commenorating the world wide recognition of Mr Liu Xiao Bo for his peaceful pursuit of democracy in China on the eve of the Nobel Peace Prize presentation day on the 10th of December, 2010. It also is served to give the development of domcracy in China a long lasting well wishing hope.

關子鴻 74崇基經濟




1. 「無敵就義」指曉波「零八憲章」結案陳詞之「我沒有敵人」論
2. 劉郎,東漢 劉晨。原意指劉晨在天台山遇到神仙,回鄉安頓後再到天台山。引申比喻人離開某地方後,再次回來。以曉波而言,他去國卻為民運賦歸,從此孤身為民主奮鬥。
3. 「波覆霞掩攀險峯」喻曉波被囚、劉霞被禁錮在家,仍冒險犯難,將「無敵」又「無悔」的信息傳達,齊攀民主自由險峰。

4. 「敵陣盤營筵席供」乃借詩篇23篇5節:「在我敵人面前,祢為我擺設筵席」。意指在屬靈爭戰中憑正氣從容以對。