Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The Three Stories of Apple by Jobs喬貝斯三個蘋果的故事(*1)

逍遙博蕉林益友(簡稱「蕉益友」)剛剛用香蕉為話題互相「蕉呼」,各自表述,「蕉思懵想」一番,大家都「蕉氣勃勃」,Going Bananas啦!

Sau Wong 瘦黃更說: 『咁Happy Hung引述的醫生忠告: 「An apple a day keeps the doctors away. 」 不是要改寫為 「A banana a day keeps the doctor, psychiatrists, dietician and beautician away. 」』

蘋果界功能組別馬上嘩然,蘋果界的江湖地位,怎可被「蕉益友」毀於一旦!!馬上找Happy Hung算帳,Happy Hung 企硬立場說:「在健康範疇,香蕉確勝你們蘋果一籌,瘦黃的新香蕉宣言是真理的表述,是受言論自由法保護的。你們若不服氣,該找創造你們的大佬去討回公道,看看衪能否啟發你們另闢蹊徑,重新奠定蘋果的歷史地位吧!」

言猶在耳,蘋果幫一代教主Steve Jobs喬貝斯與胰臟癌搏鬥經年,終於撒手塵寰,留下他改變人類生活的電腦科技產品,安息主懷!

來到創造的神、科學之父、歷史的主跟前,衪慈祥的張開雙手,迎小喬入懷,輕拍他的肩膀說:「辛苦你了,良善忠心的僕人,你運用我給你的科學頭腦及開荒創業的恩賜,建立了另類蘋果王國。你回來得正是合時,讓我可回應蘋果界的禱求,還給它們被香蕉取代了的健康regime的江湖地位。它們有所不知,其實我已經運用你的死訊,給予了蘋果界不可動搖的歷史地位!在它們找Happy Hung理論之時,三個蘋果的卡通畫像,正在互聯網上瘋傳起來了!」喬貝斯急忙打開隨身的iPhone 5一看,果然就看到了以下視像及其註腳﹕

“Three Apples changed the world: The first seduced Eve The second fell on Newton And the third one was offered to the world half bitten by him. RIP Steve Jobs

喬貝斯用恍然大悟的眼神看著他的天上的父說:「那是你給我靈感,在2005年6月12曰史丹福大學畢業禮上所演講的,《我生命的三個故事》嗎?(*2)(“Three stories of my life” presented by Steve Jobs at the 'Stanford University's 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.) 天父點頭說:「這是你留下給世人永垂不朽的禮物,iPot、iPhone、 iPad 都會過去,唯有我放在你心中的人生体會,會成為改變很多人生命的歷史睿言。來!安息吧!」

天父不經意地把喬貝斯手上的 iPhone5接過來,順手把這會朽壞的還未面世的Apple產品扔回凡間。究竟這另類蘋果會打在誰人的頭上,又如何進一步改變這個世代,便真是天曉得了。


In history page, let every stage
Advance Australia fair


With Christ our head and cornerstone,
We'll build our Nation's might.
Whose way and truth and light alone
Can guide our path aright.
Our lives, a sacrifice of love
Reflect our Master's care.
With faces turned to heaven above
Advance Australia fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing
Advance Australia fair!

(*1) 版頭的悼念喬貝斯的蘋果logo的設計所屬權,在香港理大生麥朗及英國一名設計師Raid71(Chris Thornley)之間,仍為懸案。謹此存照,免版權盜用之嫌。
You've got to find what you love, says Jobs(Stanford Report, June 14, 2005) 1. The first story is about connecting the dots. 2. My second story is about love and loss. 3. My third story is about death.

See full post with pictures here

Sunday, October 9, 2011

「愛希會」Love, Hope & Opportunities by ICC
(with Photos and pictures)

We Walked For Love, Hope & Opportunities – A Wrap Up Report for 2011

Foreword: Today after painting of the TSB, Victor Wong and Sau Wai had a chat on the direction that CU Alumni should go apart from entertainment program. This is very much so my long lasting hope that some social care program can be devised to support both our local community here in Brisbane and or our compatriots in China. Walk the Wall is being one that we hope to mobilize for more vast support from the CU alumni. As suggested by Victor and Sau Wai, the following is a wrap up summary of our involvement in the Walk the Wall that I actually had posted as comment right after the walk on 10/9.

The Walk the Wall in Brisbane was over on the 10th of September, 2011 with mixed feelings.

It was a joyous and fun day for people of all races to meet and walk for the same cause. Some old friends were met there with surprise. Many more new friends were made, patting each other shoulders for a job well done for mutual encouragement. Sau Wai has made a very moving flash show with “You raise me up” as the background music. Please refer to her post in the freeblog, 伴我走長城.

In terms of head count participation, it used to be a westerner only occasion, but more Chinese community involvement could be seen this year. There are two Chinese Church groups, and three more groups with Chinese representations, including our cuqldfreeblog. 中大友之「逍遙博」It is quite an encouraging result to have Chinese participations in 5 out of the 15 teams.

In terms of fund raising result, I am most delighted to report that the five teams with Chinese participation have collectively raised a whooping A$31,645 or 69% of the total of A$46,135 raised by all the 15 Brisbane teams. Actually, they also fared well in the global scene with the two church group teams being number two (A$18,512) and number eighth ($10,332) in the world wide ladder. As of 17:00 on 9/10/2011, the global total sum raised is US$329,678 or A$336,956.26.

To clarify once and for all the scepticism if money raised will be used properly, I can clarify on behalf of ICC that they are hundred percent used locally to care for the orphans and for employing the local Chinese national staff including carers and Chinese local supportive and administrative staff. ALL EX-PATRIATES WHO GIVE UP THEIR OWN CARRER TO WORK IN CHINA ARE ALL SELF-FINANCED. They are all Christians, yet they don’t work as a missionary but just a professional to serve in their specialty discipline. The all have to seek enough financial support privately and individually by their friends, relatives and mother church to lead a living by faith. It means no guarantee fixed monthly income, depending on the free will offering by people who are moved to support them.

Anyhow, money can only do the talking, not the walking. No matter how much the Chinese Community raises, if there is insufficient representation in the walk, it will be a great shame for us towards the support of our compatriot disabled and abandoned orphans in China. They do not just need the material support; they need our moral and emotional support by giving them the real care; to work hard for raising not just fund but the awareness of giving life and ending abandonment for the most helpless and marginalized people group in China; to fight for their equal rights to have love愛, hope希望 and opportunity機會. (簡稱「愛希會」和ICC諧音)

My appeal and hope to have more Chinese University Alumni to join the cause for social care and justice have received a mixed response. I am glad we have made at least a humble start, with five persons representing cuqldfreeblog中大友之「逍遙博」 flying an unofficial flag to uphold the value of our mother college. May I quote the mission statement, the vision and the motto of CUHK as a reminder of our responsibility as alumni.

Our Mission
To assist in the preservation, creation, application and dissemination of knowledge by teaching, research and public service in a comprehensive range of disciplines, thereby serving the needs and enhancing the well-being of the citizens of Hong Kong, China as a whole, and the wider world community.

Our Vision
To be acknowledged locally, nationally and internationally as a first-class comprehensive research university whose bilingual and multicultural dimensions of student education, scholarly output and contribution to the community consistently meet standards of excellence.

The motto of the University is '博文約禮' (bo wen yue li):'博文' is to broaden one's intellectual horizon;'約禮' is to keep within the bounds of propriety.
These words of Confucius have long been considered a principal precept of his teaching. It is recorded in the Analects of Confucius that the Master says, 'The superior man, extensively studying all learning, and keeping himself under the restraint of the rules of propriety, may thus likewise not overstep what is right.' (Legge's version of the Four Books)
In choosing '博文約禮' as its motto, the University is laying equal emphasis on the intellectual and moral aspects of education.
As an alumnus of the Chung Chi College, I more so feel proud to uphold our college motto止于至善

Chung Chi College adopted “Ad Excellentiam”止于至善 from the “Great Learning” 大學 as its motto, not only to signify the spirit of self-reliance of the internal virtues 內聖and external all embraciveness of the Confucian Classic “University” 外皇: “The way of ultimate wisdom is the comprehension of absolute integrity, genial development of the common people and endless pursuit of the perfection of humanities.”, but also to indicate the fullness of life as revealed by Jesus Christ..

There is never ending room for us to be a better person through incessant learning and unreserved practicing of goodness to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Amen.

See full post with pictures here

Friday, October 7, 2011

多快好省的夢魘-----中國建設的災央 (with potos and pictures)




1. 一定要对极端天气下的灾后次生灾害的预防工作引起足够的重视,采取相应的防范措施。
2. 一定要规范地质活跃带上的工程施工。
3. 在城市速度发展的同时,也要加强城市的基础设施建设,提高城市的防洪排洪能力。


(*) 2010年舟曲泥石流灾害发生在位于中华人民共和国甘肃省甘南藏族自治州舟曲县,2010年8月7日,持续40多分钟的暴雨[1]使得土石冲进县城,并截断两条河流[1]形成堰塞湖[2]。搜索至8月27日停止,至9月7日通報灾害已造成1481人遇难,284人失踪,累计门诊治疗2315人,解救1243人

In Wenchuan, crisis continues

Wang Tao October 05, 2011
汪韜 2011年10月5日

汶川震區重建三年以來,泥石流、塌方等次生災害在擴大,主要原因之一是重建工程和工礦企業新、擴建造成的二次破壞。汪韜報導。Three years after the Sichuan earthquake, the disaster zone remains perilously unstable as expanding mines and hasty reconstruction aggravate geological risks, writes Wang Tao.

“一位在鋁廠工作14年的工人李師傅向南方周末記者反映稱,2008年重建時環保設施的確沒有跟上,今年才逐漸到位。” “An employee of the aluminium plant said that environmental-protection equipment wasn’t put in place during reconstruction in 2008, and is only just now arriving.”

削為平地的龍門山山頂上大型礦車來回穿梭,陡峭的山坡上不時有碎石滾落,茂密的森林中延伸著一條條白色的岩石碎屑流。Large mining trucks shuttled back and forth over the levelled top of Longmen Mountain, as rocks tumbled down the steep slopes. In the dense forest below, white rockfall scars were clearly visible through the trees.

這是楊勇在都江堰拉法基水泥廠露天採礦場看到的景象。“汶川地震災後,產業和企業獲得了項目落地和擴能機會,龍門山新增了不少採礦區域,應該引起我們的警覺。” This was the scene at the open-cast mining site owned by Lafarge’s Dujiangyan concrete plant, observed by Yang Yong, a geologist who in August carried out a two-week survey of the earthquake-struck Longmen mountains in Sichuan province, south-west China. “After the Wenchuan earthquake, businesses had the opportunity to move in and expand, and a number of new mining areas were opened up in Longmen. We need to be wary of this,” said Yang.

楊勇是橫斷山研究會會長、中國治理荒漠研究基金會專家。這名地質學家以獨立調查蜚聲業界。2011年是他汶川震區系列調查的第三年,也是他關注該地區的第十五年。Head of the Hengduan Mountains Research Association and an expert at the China Foundation for Desertification Control, Yang has made a name for himself conducting independent investigations like this one. His interest in the Wenchuan region stretches back 15 years and he has spent the last three studying the effects of the devastating 2008 earthquake.

龍門山亞東水泥廠露天礦山,山頂被削平。(楊勇/圖)The levelled top of Longmen Mountain. Image by Yang Yong

2011年8月16日起,他在龍門山地震災區進行了近半個月的實地考察。“災後重建工程和資源型產業恢復給災區地質、環境承載力帶來了重壓。”Yang is increasingly concerned about the path rehabilitation of the region has taken. “Reconstruction projects and the revival of mining industries have put a lot of pressure on the local geology and environmental capacity,”

9月11日,楊勇對南方周末記者說。他顯得憂心忡忡,泥石流、塌方等地震次生災害給災後安置地造成的困境遠遠超出外界預料,而一些災後重建項目、礦山新、擴建可能會加劇這種危害,環保、安全生產管理不善也對環境和安居帶來了不利影響。Yang told Southern Weekend on September 11. He is worried that secondary disasters such as mudslides and building collapses will cause more problems for post-disaster relocation projects than anticipated, and that some reconstruction schemes and new and expanding mines, exacerbated by poor environmental and safety management, will worsen those risks.


楊勇考察區域是四川盆地與青藏高原東緣之間的龍門山斷裂帶,斷裂帶長三百多千米,汶川地震所在地。震前就屬於地質災害多發區,四川、甘肅和陝西省的上百個城鎮都受其影響。作為四川省的富礦帶,多年的採礦活動和地震的破壞已“傷筋動骨”。The area Yang investigated is the Longmenshan fault zone, located between the Sichuan basin and the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The fault, which runs 300 kilometres in length, was the cause of the devastating Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 and of numerous geological disasters before that, affecting more than 100 cities and towns in Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. Earthquakes and mudslides, combined with years of mining in this mineral-rich area, have already caused serious damage.

成都山地災害與環境研究所研究員馬東濤說,汶川震區的次生地質災害的危害程度和面積都擴大了,並將持續幾十年甚至上百年。Secondary disasters in the Wenchuan earthquake zone are growing both in degree of damage inflicted and size of area affected, according to Ma Dongtao, a researcher at the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, who said the problem would continue for decades, perhaps even as long as 100 years.

在汶川縣漩口鎮原蔡家槓村村委會主任劉平的印像中,震前並沒有這麼頻繁的泥石流,現在則成家常便飯。“雨大點就有泥石流,震後一直是這樣,今年已經有三次了。” Liu Ping, former head of local Caijiagang village said that mudslides were not particularly frequent before the earthquake, but now they are common. “When it rains heavily, there’s a mudslide. It has been like this ever since the earthquake. This year, we have had three already.”

2011年八月楊勇這次考察,地質災害隨處可見。在石坎河,泥石流幾乎填平了溝壑,從楊勇提供的照片上看,狹窄的河床變成了寬闊的“碎石公路”。每年汛期,山區不少村莊都成為孤島,不能進入。During his August visit to Longmenshan, Yang saw the footprint of geological disasters everywhere. Mudslides had almost filled the Shikan river gully, making the narrow river bed a wide “stone highway”. During flood season, access to many villages gets cut off.

地方政府投入在增加,卻如杯水車薪。據當地媒體報導,2000年四川省投入300萬元,2006年為1億元,2011年則達到20億元。然而,四川省有2萬多個地質災害隱患點,其中2300多處被列入重大治理工程名單,僅綿竹市清平鄉文家溝泥石流治理工程就已耗資2億元。“治理工程仍需要時間、資金和可行性方案。”楊勇說。Local government investment in the area is increasing, but remains entirely inadequate. Media reports indicate that Sichuan invested 3 million yuan (US$471,000) in the year 2000, 100 million yuan (US$15.7 million) in 2006 and 2 billion yuan (US$313.7 million) in 2011. Sichuan has over 20,000 indentified geological danger points, 2,300 of them listed as key targets for preventative measures. 200 million yuan (US$31.4 million) has been spent on mudslide prevention at the Wenjiagou gully in Mianzhu county alone. Yang said: “These projects still need time, funding and feasibility studies.”

高川磷礦災後恢復生產,造成大批植被破壞。(楊勇/圖)Phosphate minerals mining after earthquake in Gaochuan caused severe vegetation damage. Image by Yang Yong.


楊勇認為,災後重建給災區產業調整升級環境改善帶來了機遇,但是隨著重建的推進,似乎沒有按照這一路徑發展。Yang believes that post-earthquake reconstruction offered the region an opportunity to upgrade local industry and improve the environment, but that that opportunity has so far been missed. As work has gone on, it has become increasingly clear that a different path is being taken, he said.

楊勇最關注的是沿著龍門山脈的工礦企業,災後的恢復生產和逐漸擴建。“從林立的煙囪和新增生產裝置的更新可以看出,一些小廠可能關閉了,但德陽和綿陽地區的磷化工產業群和生產規模似乎較災前擴大了,這需要增大磷礦石開採量來支撐。” He is most concerned about the recovery and expansion of industry and mining along the Longmen mountain range. “The vast numbers of factory chimneys you can see and all the new equipment show that, while some small plants may have been shut down, the phosphorus industry in Deyang and Mianyang is bigger and more concentrated than before the earthquake, and feeding that industry will require more mining of phosphate-containing minerals,”

楊勇說。以法國拉法基集團和中聯集團水泥項目新擴建為標誌,北川、彭州和都江堰幾個地區都新上了水泥項目,水泥礦源均來自龍門山大規模的露天開採。Yang said. There are also new concrete plants at several locations in the area, including Beichuan, Pengzhou and Dujiangyan, notably new projects from Lafarge, which is a French building materials giant, and the Zhonglian Group. The raw materials for these operations come from the large open-cast mines in the Longmen mountains.

根據都江堰拉法基水泥有限公司(下稱拉法基)礦山 ​​擴建工程的環境影響報告書,“災後重建需要大量優質水泥,而市場缺口非常大。”2009年,公司已公示籌備擴大產能,為此將對石灰石礦山及頁岩礦山進行擴建。礦山均位於都江堰。 Lafarge’s environmental impact assessment on the expansion of its mining operations states: “Post-earthquake reconstruction will require large quantities of high-quality concrete, and there is a significant gap in market supply.” In 2009, the company announced that it was preparing to increase production and, as a result, would expand limestone and shale mining. Those mines are located in Dujiangyan.
除了 ​​工礦企業對地質的影響之外,擴建的工廠也可能帶來環境污染問題。“在岷江河谷、龍門山水系上又恢復並新擴建了許多高污染、高耗能的產業,而這些生產活動區都是成-綿-廣經濟帶、成都平原城市群落的水源地。楊勇說。”Besides the impact of industry and mining on local geology, expansion may also increase pollution. “A number of polluting and energy-hungry industries have rebuilt and expanded in the Minjiang valley and the Longmen mountains – and these areas are where the Chengdu–Mianyang–Guanghan economic zone and the cities of the Chengdu plain get their water from,” said Yang.

劉平已隱隱感到了這種不利影響。“現在地里莊稼不收,經濟作物像獼猴桃和藥材也種不活,山上的樹也開始死。”村民懷疑是附近一家災後重建的鋁廠造成的。一位在鋁廠工作14年的工人李師傅向南方周末記者反映稱,2008年重建時環保設施的確沒有跟上,今年才逐漸到位。Liu Ping of Caijiagang village is already aware of this negative impact. “Crops aren’t harvested now, cash crops like kiwi fruit and medicinal herbs don’t grow and the trees on the hillsides are starting to die off.” The villagers suspect an aluminium plant nearby, rebuilt after the earthquake, is to blame. An employee of the plant, surnamed Li, who has worked there for 14 years, told Southern Weekend that environmental-protection equipment wasn’t put in place during reconstruction in 2008, and is only just now arriving.


“被地震破壞的工礦和化工企業要恢復生產,政府要進程和速度。但是,在這種高歌猛進的態勢之下,思考不冷靜、措施不謹慎就會使重建埋下許多隱患。”汶川地震兩週年前夕,楊勇就曾在接受環保組織自然之友的採訪時說過。“Mines and factories damaged by the quake need to get producing again, and the government wants to see fast progress. But in such rushed circumstances, consideration and caution can get left behind, meaning dangers go unnoticed,” said Yang Yong in an interview with environmental NGO Friends of Nature to mark the second anniversary of the disaster.

事實上,重建工程及工礦企業的擴建項目應當有環評審查,但卻形同為企業和項目背書。如拉法基擴建的環評報告書中就提及:“排廢場有水土流失、地質災害隱患”,但“礦區開採施工工藝符合水土保持和生態環境總體要求,從水土保持角度,本項目建設是合理可行的”。There should have been a proper environmental approval process for industrial expansion and rebuilding, but in fact this process has been little more than a formality. As the report for the Lafarge expansion says: “The tailings area is at risk from soil erosion and geological disaster,” but “the mining techniques used meet the requirements for retaining soil and protecting the environment, and in this respect the project is reasonable and feasible.”

楊勇認為龍門山地區已難以承受再次破壞,他曾撰文稱:“龍門山地震斷裂帶中已形成了大面積、大淨空的礦山開採區和剝離採場。海拔2500米以上的含礦層基本上已採空……'5·12'地震中,該區成為次生地質災害最快速和最明顯的響應區,形成了密集巨量的地質災害群和豐富的泥石流物源。” Yang believes that the Longmen mountains area will struggle to withstand further destruction. He has previously written that “the Longmen fault zone has already seen widespread and large-scale mining. Deposits above 2,500 metres have already been stripped bare. After the Wenchuan earthquake, this area suffered the worst secondary disasters and has become home to a large cluster of geological dangers and potential mudslides.”

每年汛期,礦區道路均被破壞,礦區難以進入,安監部門規定,汛期礦區需停止開採。可見增大開採量的影響深遠,需要謹慎評估。然而,為了快速恢復重建,很多項目的評審速度加快,程序也簡化了。“和地質災害相關的項目,我們評審了很多,以前做兩三年的評估,現在一兩年就上了,甚至沒有審查,只叫做'排查'。Each year during seasonal floods, roads in the mining area get damaged, making access difficult, and the authorities have ordered that mining should halt during this period. It is clear that expanding mining operations has a far-reaching impact and needs to be evaluated carefully. But for the sake of rapid recovery, many projects have been rushed through a simplified approval process. “We have evaluated lots of projects related to geological disasters. In the past, the process took two or three years, but now it’s just one or two, or there isn’t even an approval process,” explained Tang Bangxing, another researcher at Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment.

”成都山地災害與環境研究所的研究員唐邦興說。“我國的環評中幾乎沒有公眾參與,公民參與意識和參與水平也有待提高,環評的結論沒有考慮多方利益。”楊勇說,“也沒有強硬的約束機制讓企業來承擔責任。” Speed is not the only aspect of the approvals process that concerns Yang. “There is virtually no public participation in China’s environmental assessments,” he said. “We urgently need more public participation and awareness of public participation. Environmental assessments ignore a whole range of interests, and there aren’t any mechanisms powerful enough to force the relevant companies to take responsibility.”

“每個階段的首要目標不同,地震剛過後,以搶修安置恢復為先。”馬東濤說,“但是現在三年了,一些問題已經暴露出來,與我們當初的想像和預估發生很大改變,一切都要冷靜思考,科學應對,是時候為我們當時的盲動埋單了。” “The primary goals at each stage are different,” said Ma Dongtao. “Just after the earthquake, emergency repairs and resettlement were the priority. But that was three years ago, and problems are starting to emerge. Everything needs to be calmly considered and approached scientifically – it is time to pay for our earlier rashness.”

汪韜,南方周末記者原文刊於9月22日《南方周末》This article was first published by Southern Weekend, where Wang Tao is a reporter.
主頁圖片作者Homepage image by
Bill Stranberg.

See full post with pictures here at

Thursday, October 6, 2011

淺談音樂Do, Re, Mi
(full version with photos and pictures)

音樂是世界共同語言,音樂感是人與生俱來的表達自由Freedom of Expression的胎記,縱使是五音不全的人如昔日的我,仍可自得其樂,自我陶醉於浴室謳歌的個人演唱會中,走音跑調也照唱如宜。

我參加的聖樂團邀得音樂界名教授吳博怡博士來作聖樂講座,也有論及此現象。何解有這麼多人,甘願去參加Australian Idol、 Australia’s Got Talents、又或是X Factors 之類的歌唱比賽節目,在全國電視觀眾的眾目睽睽下跑調大出洋相。原因之一是每個人都有自戀情意結, 腦海裏太習慣自己的聲線,卻少有去參照正確的歌曲作調校。音盲Tone Deafness, Tin ears的成因,包括先天和後天因素,參下引述段落,除第一點外,都是後天因素:

If you were one of the people who naturally sing on pitch there might have been many elements that helped to develop this skill: These might include any or all of the following: (1) your genetic makeup, (2) your exposure to music while you were growing up, (3) your early support system, (4) early encouragement to sing, (5) your mother sang to you while you were in the womb (and she sings on key!).

If you missed out, for whatever reason, on the above list don’t despair! It is never too late to sing perfectly on pitch. If this ability was never acquired in a natural way, there are specific steps to developing one’s ear that can be artificially instilled.

對於這些音盲,Tone Deafness、Tin ears,包括這昔日的我,專家有如下建議

1) Play and LISTEN to Chromatic Scale半音音階(由十二個半音組成). Play each note one at a time
2) HEAR yourself singing it in your mind (Don’t rush, wait until you really hear it in your mind!
3) SING the note

以音階 Do Re Mi是人類至偉大的發明。沒有了這些音準,這世界都會變成音盲充斥的瘋狂畛域。特別是KARAOKE大行其道的後現代紀元,荒腔走調已經不再是浴室關上門的個人私隱小事,卻是諸事體大,涉及公眾遣興社交場合的耳根安寧。若在聖樂敬拜時也出現毫不諧協和音的走調情況,便真的叫上帝也瘋狂了。這麼重要的發明,其起源何在又何來呢?

The Origin of Do, Re, Mi的起源

毫不可笑也毫不意外地十之八九的回答,都說是由茱莉安德絲在「仙樂飄飄處處聞」中扮演的修女瑪利亞所創。中大校友年會和交職禮中,倫艾薇不就帶領了眾校友把Do Re Mi舊曲重溫唱了一遍嗎?大部份校友都能朗朗上口和唱,証明此曲果然深入民心,成了音樂譜號的疑似源起。修女瑪利亞不是說嗎?
“When you read you begin with A, B, C; when you sing you begin with Do Re Mi.” , 然後便似是即興地用不同的英文字代表每一音符,叫七小孤雛很快的都能跟她和唱整首歌,所以很易給人一錯覺,這是音樂初階學習法的始創歷史時刻。 事實上,這當然是不正確的了,但其意念又不是全錯。

“多、來、咪、發、梭、拉、西”,當然是源自歐洲的舶來品。在我國古代,記述音樂是採用宮商角徵羽五音記法。在11世紀的歐洲,當時教會裡唱讚美詩,只有 “一、二、三、四、五、六” 這六個音。音符譜號亦僅僅在歌詞上寫下簡單的符號,指示音階上升或下降的
紐姆譜Neumes)。後來,意大利龐普沙Pomposa地區聖本篤修會Benedictine monastery的修士音樂家桂多阿雷佐(Guido d’ Arezzo;991年1050年),有感於一般歌唱者甚難緊記所有格里高利聖詠Gregorian Chant)的複雜唱段,所以便把此聖樂的第一段,乃記念施洗約翰的讚美詩的每行歌詞的第一音從低至高,依次排列起來,剛好是 “六個音階”。因此,他就用每行歌詞的第一個音節 “烏、來、咪、發、梭、拉” 來代表六聲音階。目的也和修女瑪利亞同出一轍,讓一般教會會眾更快、更易、更準掌握每首聖詩的唱法,熟練者甚至可即席視唱(Instant singing by sight reading) :

Ut queant laxis So that your servants, 以致你的僕人
resonare fibris, may resound the 可以傳頌
Mira gestorum wonders of your deeds 你奇妙的作為
famuli tuorum, with loosened voices, 用開鬆解放的聲音
Solve polluti clean the guilt from 洗淨罪愆
labii reatum, from our stained lips 從被罪污染了的咀唇而來的
Sancte Iohannes. O Saint John


不久,七聲音節問世,才把原來棄掉的那讚美詩最後一句 “聖約翰” Sancte Iohannes幾個字的第一音字母S拼起來,成為第七個唱名“七Si” ,發音為“西”。到了17世紀,意大利音樂家布隆契認為第一音名“ut烏”不響亮,提出換用“do多”音,他的意見為許多音樂家所接受。後來到了19世紀,一英國音樂教師Sarah Glover,為叫Si 與 So識別,使每一音階有不同字母,便改 Si 為 Ti。於是“一、二、三、四、五、六、七;即 do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti” 就正式成為今天的唱法。


The invention of Staff


紐姆譜(Neuma)符號,用以記載教會聖歌。符號只是一些線及點的變化,十三世紀有菱形音符頭及符桿符尾,十六世紀才有橢圓形符頭。一線譜是第十世紀由法國僧侶奧多(Odo)為記譜美觀及歌詞抄錄方便,在紐姆譜符號中加一橫線而發明,繼有二線譜的使用。十一世紀法國地區聖本篤修會的修士音樂家桂多阿雷佐(Guido d' Arezzo)發明四線譜,由原來彩色改為黑色。五線譜的流行是在十六世紀中葉活字印刷術發明之後,由商人阿泰釀得(Attaignant)等人大量印製,取代同時尚流傳的四線至七線譜。譜表的五條線若不敷使用,可在上下加若干條輔助短線。五線譜前端使用不同的譜號,也代表五條線上記載的音高不同,如高音(即G)譜號、低音(即F)譜號以及各種不同的C譜號,常用的有第一線女高音、第三線女中音及第四線男高音C譜號。記載鍵盤樂器、多種樂器合奏及多聲部合唱曲,而一行譜表不敷使用時,可將兩行以上的五線譜連接在一起使用。


所以可以這樣說,現代西方音樂的濫觴,是源自意大利羅馬天主教教廷的宗教聖樂。所有歐洲偉大音樂家的作品,都受宗教信仰的薰陶。其作品也很大程度用來服侍教會,強調和音,秉現人神及人際間的和諧合一。韓度爾的彌賽亞,是君皇貴胄也要起立致敬的樂曲;四季曲作者韋華迪Vivadi的榮耀頌,是攻讀音樂者的畢業試金石,布里斯本聖樂團也正選練此曲,準備明年七月往奧克蘭參加華人聖樂大會時獻唱;貝多芬的喜樂頌更跑出了教會,被選為歐盟的國歌;John Newton的奇異恩典,更是史上最廣受傳頌的歌曲,因他表露了作者從黑奴販子,醒悟聖經人生而平等的理念,悔改回轉成為一個為解放黑奴而奔波的敬虔之士。其簡單的曲和詞,打動了多少迷走失喪的人,歸信主耶穌。

今天在唱卡啦OK之餘,不妨思想音樂Do Re Mi 的起源來自對永生神的一段讚詠禱文。音樂便也成為聖俗不分的媒介,叫我們沉睡了的靈魂得甦醒!生命在主內有平安喜樂,如江河湧流不息。阿們!

see full post with pictures at here