Thursday, August 30, 2012


A Great Relief after a journey of three full months from June to Aug. It is more so an exercise of perseverance for the facilitation team taking all the trouble to do so much more drilling than another other facilitation teams I have known so far. Even the students and members of the BCAC church were all aware of the hard yards that all the eight team members had put into their preparation work. Some of them were attracted to the course just because of this observation. 

In a word, I am proud of the learning curve of our four facilitators and the four group leaders. Because of my faith in their capacity to grow, I purposely arrange as much learning opportunities as possible to them. I assigned out all the tasks keeping for myself just the Course overall Introduction and the eight reviews. My strategy and policy for the development of the team members is that people can only grow and learn by allowing them to make mistakes. I rely only on the review segment which supposedly was only for recap but I used it to reinforce new ideas and rectify/supplement incorrect or missing links. The down side was of course over run of the 2 minutes allowance which I did not apologise a bit for it. 

Another reinfornced element is the arrangment of four half an hour mission awareness sessions as input for path after Kairos. They are all readily existing cross culture mission options that some of the Chinese Churches members have done before. Emphasis were made that they are not prescriptive options for delegates to choose or follow, just reference to help them explore and decide on their future path after Kairos.

Overall speaking, I see world view changed, life transformed and actions formed by members through this journey of life integration. Well done team, and well done delegates. 

I have yet to read the comments of the  delegates  and facilitation team members, but Sharon said it all seems very positive from scanning through the forms from delegates. At least one indicated his desire to take FTC. Two are in the process of applying to be a missionary to serve in ICC-Changsha. Many have vowed to make cross culture attempt to approach people of other nations at their work place or life circles. The life integration Journeys have really just begun for most , if not all the delegates.

The followings are photos taken on the last day of the Kairos Course beginning with our thirteen delegates finding their own private corners, immersing themselves in the deep thought of life integration. Then they first shared in their own Growth Point Group. So obviously, I could only take down the pictures of those three in my group. Then each group assigned one to share in the class. We thank you William, Jenny and Katherine to show how  their lives have been impacted and changed towards God's world view embracing the gospel needs of all nations, or the gospel least heard group. It was amazing that the renewed world view has opened up our eyes removing the people blindness so that we can see that near neighbour mission can readily be a pursuable tasks for ordinary Christians. And the tasks of making disciples of ALL NATIONs, meaning reducing the LRP number from 6900 to zero is a finishable task before Jesus comes again.

Let us be all encouraged  to embark on whatever path that the Lord has led you in your personal life integration journey towards meeting the target of the Great Commissions --MAKING DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS.