Friday, August 10, 2012


倫奧開幕式給我最大的感動,就是點火儀式 !它本就是所有奧運的高潮 一般都是挑選主辦國体育成就最突出的運動員獨挑大樑去最後點燃火盆 用意是表揚獎勵個人成就澳洲奧運 2000 便的 Kathy Freeman.保   導 

The Olympic flame ended its 12,800-mile journey in surprising fashion early Saturday morning in London when seven youngsters lit the Olympic cauldron in front of 80,000 spectators at the Opening Ceremony in Olympic Stadium.
After being passed the torch by Olympic legend Steve Redgrave, the seven young athletes received flames from seven legends of the Games and simultaneously lit 200 miniature torches that rose together to form a breathtaking cauldron in the center of the stadium.
The cauldron's lighting ends years of speculation that began almost immediately after London was awarded the Olympics in 2005. Instead of going with a big name -- Queen Elizabeth, David Beckham, Roger Bannister, Chris Hoy and five-time gold medalist Steve Redgrave had all been discussed as potential candidates -- Boyle went the egalitarian route, choosing seven teenagers of varying backgrounds to accept from the flame from seven legends. It was a symbolic, if unsubtle, passing of the torch.

這一反傳统的安排,將代表奧運, 到 。他都 ;其統 , 由205柱 。所被 後205小 大 著205合 類 世 列顛 

 攏聚天 耀馬 五 的 「學民思潮」民 最 

Steve Redgrave took the torch from Beckham and brought it into the stadium.
Steve passed the torch to the seven nameless young sport persons.
They took turn to hoist it for a while when running for a lap as one
team. Then they used this torch to ignite 6 more torches. 
They then proceeded to  lit the Olympic cauldron in front of 80000 spectators  

The lit  Olympic cauldron slowly being raised up towards the centre skyward.
Gradually it formed a half globe shape.
Eventually turned into a great fire of the  Olympic cauldron.
205 smaller lights together make a great fire ball radiating great light.
還有兩則英式幽默,利用知名演艺人物‧Mr Bean 和Mr Bond幽自己一默!叫人莞爾一笑.

Mr Bean 在交响樂隊演奏烈火戰車主題曲中負責一節拍單音,
由於太單調了,Mr Bean边彈边作無聊事甚至發起白日夢,
打敗 烈火戰車 的冠軍,夢醒時已屆曲終人散!
英女皇竟破格客串與Mr Bond演對手戲‧竟誇張到以空降為進場式!
 英女皇放下身段,與民同樂,誠難能可貴,但她出場時面有蘊色 , 亦見其率真性情!

最後,不得一題澳洲長 Lauren Jackson 廿年大 , 

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