Saturday, April 7, 2012


The Legacy of the Third Apple – Why was I bitten?

“Three Apples changed the world:
The first seduced Eve
The second fell on Newton
And the third one was offered to the world half bitten by him. RIP Steve Jobs

1. 引言Introduction:
After my dialogue with the Heavenly Father regarding the second “Apple” that changed the world of Science and Faith through Isaac Newton, my mind have lately been fully occupied by Lin-sanity. It has taken full attention of all the Americans & Chinese alike, if not the world. So even the news of new release of the Apple iPhone product is overshadowed by the Lin-derella drama in the big Apple city of New York. If not Lin has retired hurt, giving a big cooling down of L-insanity, I doubt there will be space for me to address the repetitive appeals by the Apple Clan. They are happy about the hype that Steve Jobs created for them by choosing “Apple” as the trade mark. But they are not impressed why the apple has to be half bitten. It links immediately with the image of Eve biting the forbidden fruit, though now the Father has affirmed it was not an apple thus no shame at all should have been brought to the Apple Clan.

2. 探索My research:
Both Steve and God cannot be accessible after our last divine encounter. Luckily, thanks to the high tech post modern world. I have the internet and Google Search Engine to do the job which was impossible before the Info technological revolution era to fall. Here I have to give credit to an under-rated and unsung hero of post modern technological era. Berners-Lee, also known as "TimBL", a British computer scientist and MIT professor. In 1989 , he invented the World Wide Web by piecing together the then available technology of “Hypertext Transfer Protocol” (http) invented by him and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the domain name system ideas of the Internet. Without this great invention as the platform for nowadays multimedia communication platform, I don’t know what else measures I can have to seek out the secret of the half bitten apple as the logo for the Apple Empire of Steve Jobs apart from waiting indefinitely for the Heavenly Father to speak to me again, hopeful not by the striking of another fallen apple or golf ball from heaven.

3) 事實The findings: -facts : the evolvement of the Apple Logo
a) The Newton Crest: 1976-1976
The first Apple logo was designed in 1976 by Ronald Wayne, sometimes referred to as the
third co-founder of Apple. The logo depicts Isaac Newton sitting under a tree, an apple dangling precipitously above his head. The phrase on the outside border reads, “Newton… A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought … Alone.”
b) The Rainbow Logo: 1976-1998
Not surprisingly, the above logo only lasted a year before Steve Jobs commissioned graphic designer Rob Janoff to come up with something, oh I don’t know, a little bit more modern. Janoff’s eventual design would go on to become one of the most iconic and recognizable corporate logos in history.
As for the rainbow stripes of the logo, Steve Jobs is rumored to have insisted on using a colorful logo as a means to “humanize” the company. Janoff has said that there was no rhyme or reason behind the placement of the colors themselves, noting that he wanted to have green at the top “because that’s where the leaf was.”
c) The Monochrome Logo: 1998 – PresentThe multi-colored Apple logo was in use for 22 years before it was axed by Steve Jobs less than a year after his return to Apple in 1997. In its place was a new logo that did away with the colorful stripes and replaced it with a more modern monochromatic look that has taken on a variety of sizes and colors over the past few years. The overall shape of the logo, however, remains unchanged from its original inception 33 years ago.

4. 猜測The Popular Speculation - Did You Know: Who Bit Apple's Apple?
As the years go by, it's good to see that Apple's products add cool new features, more storage capacity, thinner designs, and breathtaking user interfaces. Then again, it's always good to remember where it all started, like, for instance, who bit the apple used by the company to identify itself – its logo.
a) Well, Apple’s first logo, designed by Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne, was almost immediately replaced by Rob Janoff’s “rainbow Apple.” Some sources say that the new rainbow-colored shape of a partially-bitten apple was possibly a tribute to Isaac Newton's discovery of Gravity, while the rainbow represented the separation of light by prism. Apple didn't immediately decide on the logo, but when Janoff presented it to Jobs in 1976, Apple's CEO considered it to be a winner.
b) However, while the “rainbow” logo had a more than respectable lifespan, no one really knew for sure what it stood for. Yes, it was generally accepted to have still been in reference to Isaac Newton, but a curious urban legend also said that the bitten apple was a homage to the mathematician
Alan Turing. Turing committed suicide by eating an apple he had laced with cyanide. Some analysts suggest that Turing was re-enacting a scene from “Snow White” (his favorite fairy tale). Since Turing is regarded as one of the fathers of the computer, and knowing how much Apple likes to stick to its roots, we can all accept this as a possibility.
c) More so, some people think that the apple has a bite taken out of it so it could be representing rebellion from god. Also the rainbow is sometimes associated with a serpent. The first apple computer sold for $666.66. Look it up. Interesting though I’m not claiming it’s nefarious or anything.
d) Apple then began to use a monochromatic logo, supposedly in light of Jobs' comeback, nearly identical in shape to its previous rainbow incarnation. It's the logo we're used to seeing on Apple products today. The bite was still there when the new logo was picked, however, no specific color was prescribed throughout Apple's software and hardware line. Apple probably knew it was going to revolutionize the world of electronics, which would also imply changing the feel of the logo to accommodate a certain product.
e) Also worth noting was that one of Apple's first slogans (if not the first) was "Byte into an Apple," coined in the late 1970s. Starting with 1997, Apple used the slogan “Think Different” in its advertising campaigns, and still does to this day.
f) Apple's logo, shaped like a bitten apple, is one of the most iconic brand symbols in the world. It identifies Apple products (and retail stores) so well that it eliminates the need for Apple to write the company's name in letters on any of the products. Apple has been including its logo as stickers in nearly all Macintosh and iPod packages through the years. Some of the older Macs shipped with the “rainbow” Apple logo long after it had been dropped.

5. 真相The Truth spelled out by the creator of the Apple’s Logo
Interesting enough, the above report were actually speculation and media hype to make the story of an ordinary logo formation process a legend. Like the creation of the heaven and earth, we human would prefer to use our own rational but finite mind to figure out its origin by all sorts of theory such as evolution, but would not bother to seek the truth from the real creator our infinite Heavenly Father. So let us find out the truth by reading the interview with Rob Janoff, the designer of the original Apple logo who will dismiss many of the above invented stuff about the evolution of the Apple logo.

CB: When did you design the original Apple logo with the colorful stripes?RJ: Early 1977. The agency got the account (Apple) sometime January. The logo was introduced with the new product Apple II in April of that year.

CB: Have you met Steve Jobs?RJ: Sure. The first time must have been that first year. It was before he was getting his company started. So it was just Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Mike Markkula. His was the elder guy who corralled these young entrepreneurs. And I think it's because Mike Markkula is how the account wound up at our agency. He was friends with my boss Regis McKenna

CB: Did you get a brief from them?RJ: Really there was no brief. But the really funny thing was the only direction we got from Steve Jobs is: "don't make it cute". There were briefs on subsequent jobs. First there was the logo, then there was an introductory ad and a sales brochure for the upcoming introduction. But it was pretty lose at that time. There was a previous logo to my logo. It was a logo done by Ron Wayne who was a very brief partner of the two Steves early on. He later took a buy-out, because he was a little concerned about the financial obligations he might have. He had a young family and the other guys didn't. Ron did a pen and ink drawing of Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an Apple tree with a poem all around the border. And, I think when Steve Jobs started to get serious about the Apple II and getting a prototype for the design of the shell he realized that logo would not do. So he needed a new logo.

CB: How many versions did you do for the presentation?RJ: We presented two versions of the logo. One with and one without the bite. Just in case he thought the bite was too cute. Fortunately he went with the one that gave it the most personality with the bite. Frankly it was a no brainer and you would miss the mark if you don't show some kind of an apple. When I presented I showed him several variations. Striped version, solid color version, metallic version. All those with the same shape.

CB: So even then you knew you needed a solid color version and a metallic version?
RJ: Yes, you kind of had to. When you're doing printing of either one or two color you need to have some way to go and I realized that the stripes would not always get it. The stripes really didn't work as a greyscale halftone.

CB: Do the colors represent the hippy culture, which was in fashion at the time?RJ: Partially it was a really big influence. Both Steve and I came from that place, but the real solid reason for the stripes was that the Apple II was the first home or personal computer that could reproduce images on the monitor in color. So it represents color bars on the screen. Also, it was an attempt to make the logo very accessible to everyone, especially to young people so that Steve could get them into schools.

CB: At the time most logos were single color or 2 color logos. Anybody fought against the color stripes?RJ: Steve liked the idea, because he liked things that were outside the box. And, it's not so revolutionary now, but it was a little different then. However I did get a lot of opposition from one of the higher account executives at agency. He was sort of working against me on the meeting where I presented the work to Steve. He made a comment that if this new company went ahead and produced stationary in all these colors they will go bankrupt before they start the business. That was kind of the attitude that I was facing from the agency. But Steve liked it right off. He's a pretty perceptive guy as we later learned and he liked the uniqueness of it as well. Also, I should add that the idea of a computer going into people's homes was a little bit threatening because up to then computers were for big businesses, who were highly technical and sensitive and all that stuff. Most of the personal computer products that were coming out at the time had very techno names. TRS-80 and things like that, so that's why the name Apple was so golden because it was basic and not technical and to go with that the colors were very important.

CB: What does the bite in the apple represents? Is it a reference to a computing term byte? Is it a reference to the biblical event when Eve bit into the forbidden fruit? Is the fruit itself referencing the discovery of gravity by Newton when an apple fell on his head while sitting under the tree?RJ: They are really interesting, but I'm afraid it didn't have a thing to do with it. From a designer's point of view and you probably experienced this, one of the big phenomena is having the experience of designing a logo for whatever reasons you design it, and years later you find out supposedly why you did certain things. And, they are all Bull Shit. It's a wonderful urban legend. Somebody starts it and then people go "oh yeah, that must be it".

CB: Is it possible you were influenced subconsciously by these stories?RJ: Well, I'm probably the least religious person, so Adam and Eve didn't have anything to do with it. The bite of knowledge sounds fabulous, but that's not it. And, there is a whole lot of other lure about it. Turing the famous supposed father of computer science who committed suicide in the early 50's was British and was accused of being homosexual, which he was. He was facing a jail sentence so he committed suicide to avoid all that. So, I heard one of the legends being that the colored logo was an homage to him. People think I did the colored stripes because of the gay flag. And, that was something really thought for a long time. The other really cool part was that apparently he killed himself with a cyanide laced apple. And, then I found out Alan Turing's favorite childhood story was Snow White where she falls asleep forever for eating a poisoned apple to be woken up by the handsome prince. Anyway, when I explain the real reason why I did the bite it's kind of a let down. But I'll tell you. I designed it with a bite for scale, so people get that it was an apple not a cherry. Also it was kind of iconic about taking a bite out of an apple. Something that everyone can experience. It goes across cultures. If anybody ever had an apple he probably bitten into it and that's what you get. It was after I designed it, that my creative director told me: "Well you know, there is a computer term called byte". And I was like: "You're kidding!" So, it was like perfect, but it was coincidental that it was also a computer term. At the time I had to be told everything about basic computer terms

CB: Do you like the changes Apple made to your original design over the years?RJ: I do like them. The stripes served their purpose and they are definitely dated. I think it's very important that a product like Apple keep very up-to-date and Steve Jobs is obviously very conscious of that and he has fabulous designers working for him in industrial design and graphic design. I feel great that it's still the same basic silhouette even though it went through lots and lots of changes. The apple shape changed slightly from my original design in the early 80's. The design firm Landor & Associates made the changes. They brightened the colors, they made the shapes much more symmetrical, much more geometric. When I designed it I pretty much did it freehand. I often think to myself why didn't I do that. It's because it wasn't where I was coming from at the time. I think they did a great job and it will be fascinating to see the next iteration and how it works out

So, amazingly there is no legendary reason or real meaning in the formation of the logo of a bitten apple. However people don’t even know God was behind all these things to reveal the spiritual truth about Himself and about the human world through this seemingly simple, straight forward design. It has served as a trigger to switch on your thought about all the legends of Apple, especially the two previous Apple stories, whether it is true or not.

6. 靈光The Ultimate Divine InspirationHuman speculation of the meaning of the three Apples never end. One related to this is the title of long-ago former Apple VP Jean-Louis Gasse, The Third Apple. He opined that:a. The first was the apple in the Garden of Eden, and the acquisition of Knowledge by Man, but at a cost.
b. The second was Newton’s apple and the knowledge revolution it has come to symbolize having started.
c. The third is Apple(Computer), and what they did and continue to do with knowledge.

Through the late eruption of Lin-sanity, God spoke to me about the spiritual meaning of all these three Apple legends. It represents the wrong direction that man continue to take trying to outsmart God our creator in terms of the knowledge of Science, even the ultimate truth of right and wrong which God Himself holds the sole sovereign right. It led human to the blindness that our life will be better if we can make enough technological advancement. But the truth is, it will make us all the more self-centred even playing God. Politically, when a leader played God, the country would crumble under his authoritarian dictatorship and the value system of that country will be thrown upside down to complete bankruptcy. So you know I am talking about Mao Tse Tung and his Cultural Revolution. Economically, The Bankers of America playing God then came the catastrophe bursting of the global economy. God uses Jeremy Lin to show us that the real Wisdom is to seek the knowledge of God and be in awe of Him then our life will be blessed with the utmost sense of peace even amidst the most chaotic and miserable circumstances like Jeremy faced before he came to fame on the world stage and what he is experiencing even now a roller coaster journey in NBA.

Though God chose not the explicit way to speak to me from the opened sky window again, he did reveal His ultimate Kingdom strike back Plan to me through many media one of which is the “Kairos” 「把握時機」course. Ever since Adam and Eve committing the first sin to rebel against the bottom line of the sovereignty of God represented by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the fallen human kind were immediately cut off from the spiritual connection with God. Instead human have fallen prey to the Devil who also rebelled against God and were cast down to the earth. The Satan was known as the ruler of the air and was allowed by God to have temporary control of the secular world. Thus His complete sovereign control of the Kingdom was marred by the still defiant Satan occupying the earth. Therefore, God has two issues to deal with. First, the Redemptive issue to save human from eternal death. Second, the Kingdom issue that He would regain perfect control of His realm either in Heaven and on earth. He could perfectly achieve both with His omnipotent power. But as God is love, he prefers to give us freedom to choose rather than forcing or threatening us to reunite with Him so that we can reciprocate His love to work with him to conduct the Kingdom strike back plan out of our fair dinkum and renewed love for Him.

God shows me that He can use every Christian to join the project or to raise up some one like Jeremy to take the lead and exert influence to this generation. Jeremy is somewhat like a contemporary Samuel, playing three roles together. He plays like a prophet to point people to God by being a messenger of God. He also plays like a High Priest to bring people to reconcile to God through his personal life witness & testimonies. Finally, he is raised up as a Judge, or a sport fighter to demonstrate how God’s power through him can be invincible, within and without the arena of NBA to fight for the pride of Asian America as well as Christians.

The legends of the three Apples would move on. But the ultimate plan of God’s Redemptive plan and Kingdom plan will be fulfilled in His time. In the process, equality of humankind and upholding of freedom in a democratic society will be the transitional stage preparing for the soils for the transformation of life substances of more and more people to be drawn back to God’s family. This is the real trend of His Love Story as well as the History for us the fallen human kind.



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