Sunday, October 9, 2011

「愛希會」Love, Hope & Opportunities by ICC
(with Photos and pictures)

We Walked For Love, Hope & Opportunities – A Wrap Up Report for 2011

Foreword: Today after painting of the TSB, Victor Wong and Sau Wai had a chat on the direction that CU Alumni should go apart from entertainment program. This is very much so my long lasting hope that some social care program can be devised to support both our local community here in Brisbane and or our compatriots in China. Walk the Wall is being one that we hope to mobilize for more vast support from the CU alumni. As suggested by Victor and Sau Wai, the following is a wrap up summary of our involvement in the Walk the Wall that I actually had posted as comment right after the walk on 10/9.

The Walk the Wall in Brisbane was over on the 10th of September, 2011 with mixed feelings.

It was a joyous and fun day for people of all races to meet and walk for the same cause. Some old friends were met there with surprise. Many more new friends were made, patting each other shoulders for a job well done for mutual encouragement. Sau Wai has made a very moving flash show with “You raise me up” as the background music. Please refer to her post in the freeblog, 伴我走長城.

In terms of head count participation, it used to be a westerner only occasion, but more Chinese community involvement could be seen this year. There are two Chinese Church groups, and three more groups with Chinese representations, including our cuqldfreeblog. 中大友之「逍遙博」It is quite an encouraging result to have Chinese participations in 5 out of the 15 teams.

In terms of fund raising result, I am most delighted to report that the five teams with Chinese participation have collectively raised a whooping A$31,645 or 69% of the total of A$46,135 raised by all the 15 Brisbane teams. Actually, they also fared well in the global scene with the two church group teams being number two (A$18,512) and number eighth ($10,332) in the world wide ladder. As of 17:00 on 9/10/2011, the global total sum raised is US$329,678 or A$336,956.26.

To clarify once and for all the scepticism if money raised will be used properly, I can clarify on behalf of ICC that they are hundred percent used locally to care for the orphans and for employing the local Chinese national staff including carers and Chinese local supportive and administrative staff. ALL EX-PATRIATES WHO GIVE UP THEIR OWN CARRER TO WORK IN CHINA ARE ALL SELF-FINANCED. They are all Christians, yet they don’t work as a missionary but just a professional to serve in their specialty discipline. The all have to seek enough financial support privately and individually by their friends, relatives and mother church to lead a living by faith. It means no guarantee fixed monthly income, depending on the free will offering by people who are moved to support them.

Anyhow, money can only do the talking, not the walking. No matter how much the Chinese Community raises, if there is insufficient representation in the walk, it will be a great shame for us towards the support of our compatriot disabled and abandoned orphans in China. They do not just need the material support; they need our moral and emotional support by giving them the real care; to work hard for raising not just fund but the awareness of giving life and ending abandonment for the most helpless and marginalized people group in China; to fight for their equal rights to have love愛, hope希望 and opportunity機會. (簡稱「愛希會」和ICC諧音)

My appeal and hope to have more Chinese University Alumni to join the cause for social care and justice have received a mixed response. I am glad we have made at least a humble start, with five persons representing cuqldfreeblog中大友之「逍遙博」 flying an unofficial flag to uphold the value of our mother college. May I quote the mission statement, the vision and the motto of CUHK as a reminder of our responsibility as alumni.

Our Mission
To assist in the preservation, creation, application and dissemination of knowledge by teaching, research and public service in a comprehensive range of disciplines, thereby serving the needs and enhancing the well-being of the citizens of Hong Kong, China as a whole, and the wider world community.

Our Vision
To be acknowledged locally, nationally and internationally as a first-class comprehensive research university whose bilingual and multicultural dimensions of student education, scholarly output and contribution to the community consistently meet standards of excellence.

The motto of the University is '博文約禮' (bo wen yue li):'博文' is to broaden one's intellectual horizon;'約禮' is to keep within the bounds of propriety.
These words of Confucius have long been considered a principal precept of his teaching. It is recorded in the Analects of Confucius that the Master says, 'The superior man, extensively studying all learning, and keeping himself under the restraint of the rules of propriety, may thus likewise not overstep what is right.' (Legge's version of the Four Books)
In choosing '博文約禮' as its motto, the University is laying equal emphasis on the intellectual and moral aspects of education.
As an alumnus of the Chung Chi College, I more so feel proud to uphold our college motto止于至善

Chung Chi College adopted “Ad Excellentiam”止于至善 from the “Great Learning” 大學 as its motto, not only to signify the spirit of self-reliance of the internal virtues 內聖and external all embraciveness of the Confucian Classic “University” 外皇: “The way of ultimate wisdom is the comprehension of absolute integrity, genial development of the common people and endless pursuit of the perfection of humanities.”, but also to indicate the fullness of life as revealed by Jesus Christ..

There is never ending room for us to be a better person through incessant learning and unreserved practicing of goodness to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Amen.

See full post with pictures here

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