Sunday, April 29, 2012


To: kwanth_cfc
Sent: Tuesday, 24 April 2012 6:16 PM
Subject: :Travelling
Arrangment For Mize Tung Jue Fan





FROM: Hung Kwan
Tuesday, 24 April 2012 6:29 PM

It seems that you have not yet finished your email. I need more information. First, what are the issues? i.e. Should Christians get married with people of other faith or atheist! or Are Pre-marital sex as well as extra-marriage sex all condemned by God?
Then you have to brief me about the difference in view that you think it is in breach of the Bible teaching.
So, please supplement more information.

By the way have you booked  the flight. Pleas advise flight information  and price to Nikki to arrange for pick up at airport.


To: Hung Kwan
Sent: Tuesday, 24 April 2012 6:55 PM
Subject: :Travelling
Arrangment For Mize Tung Jue Fan

2.她現在已經二十來歲,不僅僅是家裡的人,還有周圍的一些朋友。都會讓她在婚姻上倍感壓力。但是在完全沒有指導的情況下她感覺非常倉皇失措,就像迷路了一樣,沒有指路的路牌。所以請問,她該如何 面對這種情況呢?祂該怎麼做?



发件人: "kwanth_cfc";
发送时间: 2012424(星期二) 下午4:38
收件人: "";
: Re::Travelling Arrangment For Mize Tung Jue Fan

Mize, still I cannot catch the point. It is of course hypocrisy to only have superficial acts but filthy thought and wicked heart. But what are the real issues about marriage that have been confusing your Christian friends?

发件人: "kwanth_cfc";
发送时间: 2012424(星期二) 晚上9:38
收件人: "";
: Re::Travelling Arrangment For Mize Tung Jue Fan

Dear Mize,

I don't want to rush for a reply, and for your friend sake, it would be in Chinese. But I just quickly lay down some of the premises and Christian view about marriage. The purpose is to induce you to elaborate a bit more of your friend’s issues, which I don't think I so far have grasped hold of it very clearly.
As far as I understand, she has never got married and has missed many chances because of wrong advice about the Christian view of marriage. (Can u brief me what are those wrong advices?) Now she is 29, feeling the pressure to get married anytime soon before she is too old for it.
So my first advice is , don't rush to arbitrarily get married to someone who happens to turn up in the first instance in the present desperate state. An imperfect person who loves God is better than a perfect atheist or people of other faith.
Marriage is a triangular relationship, especially for Christians. The more you love and have developed an intimate relationship with God, the closer would be the husband and wife relationship, even towards oneness if the couples are ones in Christ.
Family is the climax of God's creation. It must be built on the foundation of Christ, or in another word, the values systems of Christ taught to us thru the Bible. Thus, as a Christian, the golden rule is never married to a non-Christian as the bible wisely said in 2 Cor 林後2:14. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. 信與不信不能用負一軛 For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
With Christ's faith and value as the foundation, a Christian marriage or family needs four walls. The importance in descending order is Commitment委身,Communication溝通, Love and Forgiveness寬恕.
Commitment is a sacred vow to stay forever as couples under the witness of God. No one is perfect and there are fundamental differences between male and female. So, conflicts and differences are normal to exist and prevail. God purposely separated one human into male and female and match them to complement each other to regain perfection through marriage or family system. So, a marriage for convenience reason without commitment between each other and more so with God will bound to fail when conflicts and differences start to emerge.
Hence, the willingness to communicate is the key to resolve differences. It is done by understanding each others differences but trying to adjust yourself first to accommodate your other halves rather than expecting others to change to conform with your own thought and preferences. The skill of communication is always lending a listening ear first.
Couples with commitment in God and with each other and are always willing to resolve differences by two ways communication will bound to have selfless love being nurtured. This sort of love bonds the couples together despite of hardship, and can prevail in both good and bad times.
The other side of the coin of love is forgiveness. As human, we all have weakness to fail and hurt each others. Forgiveness is the other form of manifestation of love by giving up your right to revenge even you are being wronged by your spouses.
Humanly speaking, it is easy to understand those biblical teaching, but we all know in flesh we are powerless to achieve what God tell us to do. Thus, as a Christian, our source of strength is from God in terms of grace. We need to live by grace through faith. Grace resembles the roof of a Christian family. It is vital for helping us to weather all sort of ungodly attacks of the world.
So, by now, you should learn all the building blocks of a Christian marriage.
How and when to discover the other half that God have prepared for you? There is no short cut but prayers and prayers alone. You just open up your personal life to a Christian circles. The chemical would be spotted if it is the matching by God transcending human judgement criteria. Of course common sense still prevails for instance, no great ages differences, good health condition, comfort and ease to engage. All others secular consideration(equality in social status, education, wealth etc) can be trumped by the only most important condition -- does the one you date love God and put Him first? This is the key leading to the first criteria of commitment. If someone loves and is in awe of God, he/she certainly will be able to make steadfast commitment with God and with their other half.
Because of the commitment you gave God and your spouse. Divorce is not an option for Christian couples. As the Christian Marriage is a sacred union witnessed by God that can't be separated lest by death and adultery. I may not want to go deeper in this at the moment. I mentioned this as a warning that no one should enter into a marriage lightly with an attempt to try it out first and just quit when you feel unhappy about it.
Don't give oneself pressure if no suitable candidate appears. God also blesses single people if there is special reason in God's eye for them to remain single like Paul. But through prayers, if just one chance turns up, you don't wait for more choices but just grasp this single chance by two hands.
Ha Ha, you have just made me a biblical marriage specialist. I have never held any wedding or do any pre-marital counselling in my life.
Let me know if my suggestions are relevant for that sister in Christ.

NB. If you feel the air ticket is too expensive, advise Nikki see if ICC as a regular customer booking flights for volunteers would get a better deal. If they deem your quote is already good than you don't have to worry about the costs but just book it yourself first. Otherwise , give the ball back to ICC.

To: Hung Kwan
Sent: Thursday, 26 April 2012 1:01 PM
Subject::Travelling Arrangment For Mize Tung Jue Fan

2012.5.20 深圳航空ZH9978-1400——16:15 蘭州中川機場到長沙黃花機場费用为 最低报价加上燃油税和机建费为1037

我的姊妹看完您给她的信了,她请我转告您,您的信很鼓励她,她觉得您很厉害, 有大.信又很中肯,引用圣经却不死板,动之以情却不是命令.一看您的信就知道您经历过很多事情,懂得很多,她在您面前就是一个不懂事的小孩子。她会再好好看看这封信,并且会好好默想一阵子,不会匆忙胡乱嫁人的,她非常感谢您,真羡慕我有这样的带领啊。

FROM: Hung Kwan
Thursday, 26 April 2012 3:11 PM


TO: Hung Kwan
Friday, 27 April 2012 12:36 AM

而我也慶倖我找到了您,很明顯您的回信告訴了她中肯的意見。讓她暫且安靜了下來,并不再煩悶和焦躁不安了。我的姊妹應該也不大習慣看英文郵件,不過她說若遇到不 明白 的也會求助GOOGLE translation。當然如果您認為看過她的更多信息之 後認為還是寫封中文信更好,我想她一定會覺得很感動。

基督徒戀愛和婚姻觀 2

FROM: Hung Kwan






以上都是粗畧的基督徒交友戀愛基本原則,到實行起來,我深信必仍有無數的問題,我巴不得能進入妳們的生命中與妳們一起去經歷,倒是我們天上的父更合宜去扮演這角色,我在澳洲也定會在禱告中切切記念妳們的需要。此外,還可薄盡的棉力,就是抄錄了一些網上找到的有關資訊,輯錄為《基督徒婚友觀》一文件;又有一本小冊子名為《信徒恋婚姻60短小精桿,但甚有参考價值,我會帶來送給妳們,如急著看,可到此網站下載:;最後我上次用英文寫的基督徒婚姻可在附上的power point file 中找到中英對照。



TO:  Hung Kwan
Saturday, 28 April 2012 3:42 PM


TO:  Hung Kwan
Saturday, 28 April 2012 3:42 PM

Re: 回复:基督徒戀愛和婚姻觀

FROM:  Hung Kwan
Saturday, 28 April 2012 5:32 PM




TO:  Hung Kwan
Sunday, 29 April 2012 2:24 AM


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