Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Tue, 24 May, 2011 1:22:27 AM
回复: 回复: 回复: Amazing Grace
From: 弥则 To: Rev Kwan




我以前的家在Runcorn,有時又偶爾會去Toowong住,從Runcorn到教會我記得好像是坐44路公交,但似乎還需要倒車,後來我們在Garden city上課的時候坐車就方便很多了。我的駕照應該不能在澳洲用,怕是要重考。


~跨文化的婚姻是我沒有想到的。很高興聽到你說會有一位華語牧師的加入,這想必會吸引更多的人。哈其實你叫我哪個名字都是可以的,無論是覺梵、彌則,MIZE,或者是Mi Sont【Mi Sont就是彌則的英文】,從前我還有個名字是Riddle,但我叫那名字只是因為那是我EXBF的名字,或者你可以稱呼我的小名“別別”,都行,你喜歡哪個,就可以稱呼我哪個。我現在的牧師叫我“別董”OR“別總”哈哈。

學業上我的確有諸多困惑,以前考慮這些的時候只是單純的考慮哪個專業會更適合將來的社會發展或者生活的穩定性之類。但現在因為信仰以及我個人理想的原因,我的想法有了很多轉變,比如我在過去的十幾年里一直認為我是要學考古的,不過去年開始我就徹底抹殺了這個想法,因為我去年才發現自己真正的志向所在:Women's rights,我不喜歡把他翻譯成女權,我更喜歡全稱女性權益。我試圖去了解一些成熟的女權組織或者機構,倒也得到一些不錯的回應,比如美國的FMF,Feminist Majority Foundation,他們有很多的觀點同我相同,但是幾乎所有的女性權益組織都有一個問題,就是他們把男性的價值貶低的一文不值,并把女性單獨架空在一個真空的環境中,而在我的觀點里沒有男性的女性是不完整的,是缺失的,就像一個缺少母性的女人一樣,我的女性權益是建立在聖經的基礎上,這樣就同現有的很多機構在原則問題上背道而馳;而進一步融合進我的信仰時,我是希望我工作的對象接受的能夠是來自基督的女權拯救,我曾經告訴我的姊妹我迫切的想要去一些中東國家例如伊朗,那裡的女權狀況是最讓我感到痛心的。







.....Mi Sont23.5.11

Sat, 28 May, 2011 11:04:12 PM
Re: 回复: 回复: 回复: Amazing Grace
From: Hung Kwan To: 弥则
2 Files UQ Social Science.doc (270KB); Women Right.doc (534KB)

Dear Mize,

Thank you so much for sharing your inner thought with me. Since there are quite a few issues I need to respond to your last email, so please allow me to reply in English for this time.

我現在住在中國蘭州 :I was once very close to getting to 蘭州. After Sichuan earthquake, God has opened door for me to go to Sichuan for involving in earthquake relief. My focus area is 廣元.And in 2009 I attended a Youth Camp at 巴中. After that camp, teams were sent out on short missionary trip to many places within 四川,廣東 and 甘肅. I wanted to go to甘肅蘭州, but I was eventually assigned to go to廣元 again to take care of a student scholarship project initiated by our church主家堂together with other Brisbane Chinese Churches. So, God must have His timing to prevent me to go too early to have reunion with you until now that really have given us both a big surprise.

So in Brisbane, you have two homes to stay?! If in future you choose to study at UQ, Toowong is a better place to go to Uni. Anyway, you definitely can drive with your Chinese License as long as you remain as a student. You only need to make a certified true copy of the English translation of your Chinese License to apply for a permit to drive in Brisbane. As far as I know, you don’t have to sit for any driving test. But for safety sake, it is recommendable to take enough hours of driving lessons and learn the main difference of traffic rules.

I am surprised by the maturity you have in planning for your future. I believe it is God’s plan to give you the burden to pursuit women’s rights. Jesus is the pioneer in upholding equal rights for women and children as well as many of the outcast groups at His time. You may leave the choice of future profession at a later stage. Just plan for your study on social science with focus on human rights and specialty in women’s rights. Actually, your vague vision of helping out women in the capacity of a Pastor or missionary pastor wife is not a bad idea. By coincident, one of my sheep, a new convert receiving Christ soon after the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 who comes from Sichuan, has lately married to a pastor of the International Church in Beijing. She also has got the vision to be a pastor wife and after two years of prayer, God has answered her prayer.

Coming back to your possible study in Brisbane, I collected some info about UQ which is attached as a word file. I suppose you can have access to UQ directly, but just in case you can’t, I have copied all the basic info for you. One of my English Class students who is from重慶 has found a link to a Women's study center in University of Queensland http://www.emsah.uq.edu.au/awsr/new_site/home.html.Let me know if it is not convenient for yourself to look up the info of the other Universities in Brisbane, i.e. QUT, Griffith and Bond University.

It is also my vision to provide training to Christians from China who may plan to go back after study, so that you may be equipped to provide discipleships and engage in evangelism as God may call you to serve. 標桿人生 is one of them. It is more than a book but a 40 days of purpose program for both evangelistic and discipleship purposes. Others include the Alpha Course, 啓發課程 mainly a 15 lessons course for reaching out to non-believers; the Evangelism Explosion III三元福音倍進佈道法 , a platform of evangelism movement in a church rather than just a method; and the Kairos Course, 把握時機, a mission oriented discipleship course to equip new or old Christians to understand and master the need for all churches to engage in great commission大使命. So, you can be rest assured , your time in Brisbane will be as rich and full as you have at home with your brothers and sisters of the Navigator.

So, keep praying and watch what open door God may be guiding you to get through and move ahead.Looking forwards to hearing from you soon.

Rev Kwan

N.B. By the way, I think you would not mind for me to share our email communications with other B & S of the church as well as some non-believers who may be interested to learn how Christ can change one's life and give you wisdom and maturity in planning for your life ahead.

請用以下之連線閱覽其他之两地書两地書-之一 http://cuqldfreeblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post_17.html两地書-之二 http://cuqldfreeblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post_22.html两地書-之三 http://cuqldfreeblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/blog-post_8616.html两地書-之四 http://cuqldfreeblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post_07.html两地書-之五 http://cuqldfreeblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post_15.html两地書-之六 http://cuqldfreeblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/6.html

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